Ice Prince Keeps Silence Over Recent Sex Story

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 3:38:00 PM -
Photo - Ice Prince's 'Mistress' Speaks Up About Sex Life With Star, Singer Keeps Silence

Singer Panshak ‘Ice Prince’ Zamani is one of eligible bachelors in Nigeria as he is famous, handsome and rich.

Recently, the rapper was hit with his first groupie (a young woman who regularly follows a celebrity in hope to have a sexual relationship with him) sex tale. An unidentified woman claimed she allegedly has had sex with Ice Prince.

However, Ice Prince has decided not to give any comments over this story. At a recent interview session in Lagos, Ice Prince said:

"I don’t want to talk about that stuff; I don’t even remember that I read that stuff until you mentioned it, I don’t want to talk about it."

This groupie story was published by blogger Linda Ikeji. The woman wrote a short letter about her spicy relationship with the star. She claimed that she was a virgin when she met Ice Prince, however, she sacrificed her virginity in order to be with him.

Read her story below:

"My story is a bit emotional and I fell in love. I met Ice Prince about five years ago. I stupidly fell so deeply in love with him after a few years. Let me take you right back. When we first met it was about sex, just having fun and drinking together. He never let me sleep over, he always used to make me go home very late, it’s either he has family coming over very early or he is busy. It didn’t bother me that much because I never had feelings for him at that point. After a while we started spending more time together having sex. Few mistakes I made was having sex with him, unprotected (I go for check up). I know I wasn’t the only one he was sleeping with but I guess in my head I was. He has a very big and long d***, it seriously used to freak me out. It’s so long that it doesn’t look straight. I am not gonna lie, he knows how to bang.


Written by Admin

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