Queen of Pop Madonna Joins #BringBackOurGirls Campaign

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 5:50:00 PM -
Photo - Madonna Joins Campaign #BringBackOurGirls
Madonna has added her name to the growing number of people in the world who are demanding to rescue the abducted Chibok schoolgirls in Borno.
The queen of pop Madonna shared this pic of Malala, the Pakistani schoolgirl who stood up to the Taliban and defended her right to an education, on Instagram and wrote, “223 Teenage girls being held captive in Nigeria by Religious fundamentalists who believe it is a sin to educate girls! They are being sold as brides in the market place. This insanity has to stop! What is the US government doing about this? #bringourgirls back. #revolutionoflove”.

While there were some initial reports that the girls were being forced to marry against their will, there was some debate on how accurate that is. Now Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the terrorist group Boko Haram that kidnapped the girls, has released a video. He made his sexist views on women more than clear, demanding that girls just get married and releasing alarming threats about the kidnapped girls.

“I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market,” he says in the video. “There is a market for selling humans…I will sell women. I sell women.”

In the past few days more Nigerian girls have been kidnapped. The United States has put a $7 million bounty on Shekau and they are part of the international community demanding that Shekau be stopped and the schoolgirls returned safely. Meanwhile, people around the world gather together to protest the abduction of hundreds of GGSS Chibok female students in Borno.
READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/65915.html

READ MORE:  http://news.naij.com/65915.html


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