Even girls embarrass me over my big ass — Evia Simon

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 12:28:00 AM -
Evia Simon is sexy and beautiful. But if you miss anything about the up and coming star, her massive buttocks is sure never to be missed. Even Evia herself says her “ass” has caused her embarrassments too often than she cares to remember, not only from men but also from women. Our reporter caught up with her recently on location at Magbo, Lagos, with Mr. Ibu, Ruth Kadiri, Ene Oche, and director Noba. Evia Lets us into her personal world and the world of make-believe. Excerpts:

Your name sounds sweet, Evia.

That is my stage name. My real name is Eveshoyan. I’m from Edo state, from a family of six, but my parents are late. Only four of us are left: two girls and two boys. I’m based in Abuja

When did you start acting?

I started acting in 2007, but officially in 2010. I started when I was in Kogi State. I began with their local movies. Then in 2009 I went to Port Harcourt on a mission. But officially I registered with AGN Abuja in 2010.

You once said that men go crazy over your figure
Yeah, it’s true. My ass gives me undue attention and even to me, it can be so embarassing sometimes. At times I don’t just feel happy about it. Of course, there are other girls who are shaply, sexy, and beautiful, but you know, this is me and they are them. I don’t know what they are passing through, but I know that I’m passing through hell daily. Even girls get funny about it sometimes.

Girls chase you too?

Not really chasing me but they’re always after me to see whether my ass is real or padded? I’ve worked into a market before and a girl followed me. You know markets are very choked up so she just followed me and tapped my ass just to know. You know what I did to her? I ran after her, I dragged her and I took her hand and I said ‘feel it very well, it is not padded’. She busted out laughing because that was her aim. She wanted to know if it’s padded. I’ve had many harassments on the streets. People embarrass me a lot because of my big ass.


Written by Admin

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