Female Rapper Wins $1000 At Industry Nite Open Mic Yesterday

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 11:54:00 PM -
Yesterday at Maddox lounge, venue of Industry Nite, it was a night for budding artists to display their lyrical skills and impress the crowd in a chance to win a cash prize of $1000 at the open mic night.
Several guys came out attempting to sing and rap but failed to wow the crowd until a female named 'Innovate' who is clearly a tomboy, dressed in an androgynous fashion stepped out to rap and got the much deserved attention of the crowd.

Jimmie, the lanky and hilarious host of the weekly Industry nite did not fail to notice that what a guy can do, a lady can sure do it better. Yesterday at Industry Nite was apparently also dont-wear-a-bra day as a number of female guests present left little to the imagination with their risque outfits.
The most memorable half hour of Industry Nite yesterday was when Ricky Gomez came out with his partner and performed mind blowing bicycle stunts, the crowd was left in total shock and amusement and didn't relent on the applause. Ricky was performing stunts on his bicycle that no one was aware could be done by an actual living being, it was magic!

Top DJ in Nigeria, DJ Jimmy Jatt and also Sound Sultan were in the house yesterday to witness the great night which was serenaded by tunes from DJ Spinall AKA The Cap.

At the end of the show, tomboy rapper Innovate went home excited about her thousand dollar win. we hope to see her rise. See all the exciting photos from yesterday above.


Written by Admin

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