Stephannie Okereke Plays Slave In Hollywood Movie!

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 5:47:00 PM -
Remember weeks ago that veteran Nollywood actress Stephanie Okereke-Linus revealed to us that she would star in a Hollywood movie, well she has.

Stephanie Okereke didn’t have the biggest role but it’s a start.

Stephanie is presently on movie sets as she plays the role of Doris in the American western movie, “Boonsville Redemtion”.

The actress plays Doris, a lady whose generation were slaves from Nigeria. The movie is set in 1906 and is titled BoonVille Redemption.

Stephanie said the movie borders on forgiveness, truth, redemption, love & everyone was treated equally in the movie without racial barriers.
See the lovely shots below: -


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