Rita Dominic Takes Selfie With Nollywood Star

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 5:09:00 PM -
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The likes of Rita Dominic have brought popularity to the Nigerian movie industry fondly called Nollywood. Among her peers, she is one of the most respected and reverend. Even outside the shores of the country, Rita Dominic commands great respect.

Despite her fame, one habit that has never left the actress is her humbleness. Those who know Rita Dominic said that this Imo State-born make-believe star is very humble and could forgo anything for it.

This was even evident in her recent interview during her visit to Mauritius, where she said she is never tired of getting compliments from her teeming fans of the ‘Zamunda Kingdom’.

A moment ago, the actress posted a photograph of her with a veteran actress, Ebele Okaro. The two movie stars are definitely looking great together.


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