Actress Nadia Buari Donate Two Boreholes To The Boko-Abisem Community In Ghana

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 2:18:00 AM -
It’s such a shame that good, clean, drinking water isn’t readily available in a lot of communities in Africa, so it’s nice to see someone step up to the plate to help alleviate the problem.

Last week Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari did her part to provide clean, drinking water to the Boko-Abisem community in the Eastern Region of Ghana by commissioning two boreholes which she said cost her millions to complete and each water tanker had a huge picture of the star actress on it.

She also spoke on what moved her to give back, saying

I remember calling my aid an early morning asking him to immediately visit the community to find out exactly how or what could be done to help them. Upon his return, I was even heartbroken by the visuals he presented me. Even clean water was unavailable! Even though it cost me millions to complete these projects, nothing can be compared to this heartfelt fulfillment I feel now knowing the people of Suhum-Abisim have clean portable water for the kids in school and household activities. It is my eternal wish the water running through these tanks serve the purpose for which they were constructed. God bless the people of Suhum-Abisim. Thank you.


Written by Admin

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