Nigerian Music Legend, Majek Fashek Poses With His Cute Relatives After 10 Years Apart

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 2:38:00 PM -
Nigerian music legend, 'Rainmaker' Majek Fashek reunited with his nephew and nieces in Benin after a decade.

For many years Majek was addicted to hard drugs and his career took a nosedive, but a stint at rehab has set him straight

Majekodunmi Fasheke, popularly known as Majek Fashek, Nigerian reggae singer-songwriter and guitarist is back again.

He has been pictured reuniting with his relatives after 10 years apart.

The popular artist who went through a rehabilitation from drug and alchohol is now doing very well as his recent picture and performance suggests.

Fashek is known for the 1988 album Prisoner of Conscience which included the hit single

See the recent family photo below:


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