Kleptomaniac! Popular Instagram Model and OAU Big Girl Caught With Loads Of Stolen Cloths

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 4:07:00 PM -
This is a story that trended on Twitter. According to the twitter user @teebouie who broke the story, this lady who allegedly is one of the "big girls" at Obafemi Awolowo University and is quite popular on instagram with the handle @Miz_gracieella was nabbed with lots of clothes, jewelries, make-up materials and so on which she had stolen.

Photos below.....

In the comment section, some people felt it must be a spiritual problem while others said she might just be suffering from Kleptomania (Compulsive stealing) while others asked if she is planning to open a boutique with all the stolen items. Others berated the poster for bringing the story online and posting the lady's picture with it...


Written by Admin

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