How Seriki Fluffed His Lines At Jahbless’ Album Listening Party

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 3:29:00 PM -

Penultimate Thursday, music star, Jahbless hosted music lovers to the official listening party of his latest album christened ‘IAmMe’.

The event was held at Bheerhugz, Alausa, Ikeja and had in attendance top personalities in the media and entertainment industry.

Jahbless flanked by other top artistes mounted the stage and treated music guests present to great rendition of old and recent songs from his catalogue to the delight of everyone present.

The highlight of the event was when he was joined on stage by popular rapper, Ruggedman to do a rendition of his monster hit, ‘Jo’or O’. The performance was the toast of everyone that they couldn’t help but scream for more. Other acts such as Lamboghini, CDQ, Jossy, and C-Boy, all joined Jahbless to deliver a rendition of songs off the newly released album.
It was however a sad scene when Seriki, a one-time member of Alapomeji Records was ushered on stage to perform the track, ‘Modi’ alongside Jahbless.

Seriki could not remember a word from his lines and waited endlessly for the in-house DJ to save him from the embarrassing situation. After several minutes of waiting for him to utter a word, he resorted to murmuring into Jahbless’ ears and opted to do a freestyle instead. His freestyle, though with no rhythmic flow and uninspiring bars lasted a couple of minutes.

Several guests present were dumbfounded and Jahbless saved the situation by announcing Seriki would return to the stage to perform the song later which he didn’t till the event ended after several hours of waiting.


Written by Admin

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