She tells The Netng it wasn’t an engagement ring
“‘OMG!!!!!!…. can’t believe dis…. n its not even valentines day.. sapphire n diamond.
“ The guy who gave me the ring is just a friend. He is not my boyfriend. There is nothing between us.It was like 3-days before Valentine. And it was given to me by a friend of mine, who is like my godfather, an elderly white man. I was actually given two rings, a sapphire/diamond ring and gold/diamond. He gave me that because my birthday was around the corner and Valentine as well, and he wasn’t going to be around on those two occasions. I was very excited because that was my first diamond ring. He even gave me the certificate for the rings. So, right there, in his house, I posted it on Instagram. But I didn’t add anything like ‘my boo gave it to me’.
The Diamond/sapphire is 26karat while the diamond/gold is 36karat.”
“I am single for now but I don’t plan to remain single. When I have a boyfriend, everybody will know.”
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