Zaaki Azzay remarries two years after first marriage packed up

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 11:12:00 PM -
Torch carrying popular 90s singer Zaaki Azzay has remarried two years after his first wife & mother of his three children, Hadiza Yadoo, left her marriage claiming domestic violence.

Zaaki quietly married his new wife, 24 year old Hembadoon Ugema  at the bride's family home in Ushongo in Makurdi, Benue state this past Saturday May 10th.

According to people in the know, Zaaki's new wife is kinda related to his ex-wife. Hembadoon's mum is married to Hadiza's father's younger brother (Hadiza's uncle) and this family drama forced the girl's family to suspend the wedding, which was supposed to hold in April, until it was resolved. Congrats to them


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