The actress also opens up in an interview with i Campus NG about her famous shoot, crazy reactions from fans, growing up, her future aspirations, lesbianism, love and actresses who inspire her including Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, Genevieve Nnaji, Omoni Oboli,
Read excerpts from the interview below......
On reactions to the photoshoot: “(Laughs) it was mixed. Some liked it; others thoroughly insulted me saying ‘all this celebrity indecency is immoral’.”
On the silly thing she has done for a job: “Once I took a bus to a producer’s office and then hopped on a bike from the bus stop in Surulere. I asked the man to stop me two numbers before the office. Found some shade, touched up my make-up and switched my flats to heels, threw on some perfume and strutted into the producers office acting all hot like I had just come down from an ‘ac-ed’ car. They said it’s showbiz, isn’t that so? (laughs).”
On love: “Love is constant forgiveness of oneself and others, a kind look to life that becomes a habit. Love is peace”
On if love has been fair to her: “Shakespeare says ‘All is fair in love and war’. So I can’t complain.”
On her kind of man in the entertainment industry: “My kind of man is not necessarily in the entertainment industry. I like intellectual and nerdy men. I also like guys who take the time to exercise and work out their bodies. So yeah, I’m a big fan of six packs and big brains. (laughs)”
On the bigger picture for Nollywood: “The bigger picture for me of Nollywood is growth. Already we have been accredited with bringing in 2percent of the country’s GDP. So I want to see Nollywood grow so much to the point that Hollywood and other industries feel inclined to put in African elements in their movies or use African actors so they can submit their movies into our award ceremonies. Just the way we all aspire to the Academy awards now. A Nollywood that is on par with Hollywood both in quality, production budget and box office returns.
Personally, I’m just focused on my work for now. I want to have a good body of work that will be my legacy. So I’m just facing doing my movies and putting in unforgettable performances. But I have lots of other things besides acting that I also want to dabble into.”
On lesbianism: “Lesbianism is a personal choice. As long as no one is forcing another into it, if it is born out of free will, I say, to each man his own.
On if she has been approached: “Yes a few have approached me.”
On if she can act unclad: “I haven’t done it. But if I am approached with such a role, I will make my decision based on the script and director. I never say never.”
On Nollywood stars taking drugs: “Well, drug taking is bad for your health and also might be bad for your social life because drugs make people act erratically often. Although some artistes like Bob Marley, Fela and Ray Charles have claimed their best creativity has come to them under the influence of marijuana. I would just say based on it being bad for your health, it’s not a good idea because health is wealth. Good health is the most important thing in life and one doesn’t need drugs to be cool.”