Till he died, Tope and the Prophet weren’t on talking terms, and he was the last thing she was ready to talk to the press about. However in a Radio interview on Faaji Fm on Monday, Tope gave the real reasons why she parted ways with the prophet and also denied being behind a CD currently circulating that she is from the waters- a mermaid.
“There was nothing sexual between Ajanaku and I. I was at his church for ministration and I used to contribute my tithe at his church. Before news made the rounds that he was into traditional things,I had parted ways with him 3 years before then. God revealed to me that he’s that kind of person, hence my decision.”
About confessing she’s a mermaid in an audio tape she said; “I was on a foreign musical tour when someone called and said I had released a new audio, where I confessed to being a mermaid. I didn’t believe it because I felt it was just one of those media stunts. So, I just waved the whole thing aside. It was when I got home and another pastor called me and said he just got the tape and that I was the one. I was dumbfounded. So, I asked him to please play it for me. To my greatest surprise, I actually listened to it over the phone and I just sat there. The voice was exactly my voice. But I just can’t explain how the person did it. The only confession I have ever done and will continue to do is the gospel of Christ.”