Flavour Nabania Dropped From Music Festival In Deminican Over Ebola Virus

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 4:45:00 PM -
Nigerian musician Flavour Nabania has been dropped from the 18th edition of the World Creole Music Festival which takes place in the Caribbean Island of Dominica over fears of Ebola. The announcement was made by their Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. The minister said his decision is final. The musician who is supposed to have performed on October 25th has lost alot of money due to his exclusion from the concert.

The musician's picture which was on the music festival's website has equally been removed.

According to Dominicanewsonline, the Prime Minister said he is not prepared to embrace the visit of people from regions with Ebola....

“Until a firm grip is secured on this Ebola virus, the world has to pay special attention to region of its predominance.”

“West Africa, as I said previously, is once such region. I have reviewed the file with respect to the contractual arrangements entered into with the Flavour band out of Nigeria. To date a total of EC$147,000 has been expended on professional fees and international travel by this group.”

Read more after the jump

“Indeed, I would love if, by this time next year, the Ebola virus could have been brought under control, if not eradicated; regions around the world cleared of the threat of the virus, and entertainers, such as Flavour, could visit and perform in Dominica.”

“But, for the time being, I have advised the organizers of the World Creole Music Festival that the Government of Dominica would not be prepared at this time to sponsor or embrace the visit of persons from a universally recognized Zone One area of the dreaded Ebola virus.”

“Fellow Dominicans and friends, this is the decision of the Government! It is final!”


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