“To Say I Bleached Is Quite Hilarious “ ~ CYNTHIA MORGAN ON #KimaniOffAir

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 1:18:00 AM -
Sensational Ragga queen Cynthia Morgan has laughed off speculations that she bleached, did a nose, bum and breast job.

This was during a tweetchat with Award winning presenter Tosin Adekeye (@cutekimani) using the hashtag #KimaniOffAir.

Cynthia Morgan who is an only child and a cologne freak said she will rather be in Lagos traffic than open a refrigerator without food.

When asked what inspired her latest single “German Juice”, she said “A girl with the biggest behind”….. German Juice means “Something Scrumptious and Juicy”

Cynthia Morgan who will take a bullet or two for her mum said it will take a man that listens to win her heart.

The tweetchat  #KimaniOffAir  is a weekly chat with individuals from all industries who have something worthwhile to say. Every Friday at 8pm.

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Written by Admin

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