Video: Ayodeji Ajayi (@IamAyodejiAjayi) X Godswriter (@Godswriter516) - "Jesus Buffet "

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 11:50:00 PM -
Ayodeji Ajayi is a song writer, sensational & motivational speaker, and a gospel musician. He is currently the Senior Pastor of RCCG Salvation Center Katy, Texas, USA. 

He is a God fearing servant of God who believes highly in leadership by example and excellence in ministry. He is loving, kind and has strong passion for positioning the unexpected and the unlikely for the prolific move of God with the purpose of leading them to their ultimate destiny. 

He is an IT consultant with engineering background and currently working as a manager in one of the leading corporation in oil & Gas Company in Houston Texas. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master in Business Administration with Speciality in Technology Management.

The Nigerian-Born and America based act, who is also known as AY Zero releases visuals to his previously released single "Jesus Buffet" which featured Godswriter .
The Wole Oni Produced song got a magical video directing by Visual X AM. G For Grate Productions which was shot in Texas, USA.
Watch and Enjoy!!!


Written by Admin

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