Whatever your thoughts are on SAEON, it is great that she is focussing on her artistry and can clearly murk a freestyle with organic bars and flows.
In the freestyle the BoyChick addresses “They”,
insinuating that even if they tried to break her, she is relentless and
not backing down. She also touches on being a trend setter, subtly
addressing those who follow her trends to make sure they cc her for the
credits and hashtag #Moruda
The industry has had a history of people claiming they weren’t given credit when due, and we think that Moruda addressing
this issue is commendable as only sly people try to take full credit
for creative processes especially when others were involved. It is
undoubtedly certain that SAEON is going to be more consistent and that #DéBè2016 is not too far ahead for her.
The beat was created by German Producer Pluqsta.