New MUsic: FlexyD [@flexyd_pb] - Baby. (Prod. By Pherari)

  • Posted by letsdanzit
  • at 10:27:00 AM -
This is just a mad banging hit. After the release of 'I Love You Girl' in February which is still making waves on all axis up till date, Adekoya Adeyemi Abidemi Oluwashina James popularly known as FlexyD aka Party Bomber is never on a resting mode, he believes as a Party Bomber, what is expected of him is bombing music all the time.

On this note, FlexyD releases this much anticipated danceable, mad, banging and bombing single titled BABY. This content will speak for itself, don't be told. You will definitely put this on constant repeat. Thanks for the Love and Support.



Written by Admin

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