Tamilore Ojo Martins: I'm Perfect At Sex, I Enjoy Marathon Sex

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I enjoy marathon sex –Tamilore Ojo Martins, actress/movie producer

Actress cum movie producer, Tamilore Ojo Martins, is not one to shy away from sex. She’s brutally frank and unpre­tentious when the issue revolves around sex. To her, sex is spiritual and she enjoys having it regularly.

In this interview, Martins talks sex and movies. Enjoy it.

What’s Tamilore been up to lately?

Wow! Tamilore is doing pretty fine. God has been so good to me. He added to my shelf another award last month. And for me, this is a mighty leap because I know that I’m progressing. Right now I’m planning a trip to the UK, Turkey and USA during which I will be shooting my new movie and that’s happening pretty soon. It is evident that God has been so good to me.

Could you shed light on your trip?
Actually, I’m heading to America to relax and just cool off, but I have decided to use the opportunity to shoot my new movie. As for Turkey, I’m going shop­ping. You know, Turkey is one of the hottest destinations for quality clothing, shoes and bags.

So, what is it about this movie?

It is the story of a lady who was used for money rituals. Consequently, any man who touches her experiences poverty no matter how rich he may be. And then the lady has to die to save her sister from being used by the same ritualist that used her for money rituals. It is entitled Aida.

Why Aida?

Actually, I titled the flick after the bad deeds of the ritualist. What prompted the storyline is that a lot of guys out there are ready to sleep with anything in skirts. But as a Yoruba adage has it, Ohun to wa l’ eyin eefa ju eje lo (What you see is not what you get). Men should be wary and eschew sleeping with every lady they stumble on the streets.

Is it a true-life story?

Yes, it is based on a true-life story and I am shooting the movie so that all pro­miscuous men will learn a lesson. It is didactic. It happened in Badagry, Lagos. From what I gathered, the man involved did not live to tell the story.

You are a relatively new face in acting but within a short period you’ve been able to establish yourself. How did you pull it off?
I don’t have any power of my own. It has been God and hard work all the way, so I give Him all the glory. I joined the in­dustry in 2007 but I left and later returned fully in 2010 under the umbrella of Laide Olobe’s group. I left because I couldn’t cope with my job. Then I was a journalist with Nigerian Tribune.

Wow! Nigerian Tribune? Why did you quit?

Journalism is tasking and requires full attention, so also is acting. I found it dif­ficult back then to combine both. I had to leave one for the other. You know, like they say, you can’t serve two masters at the same time (laughs).

Why did you choose acting over journalism?

I am happy with acting. I chose acting because I have a passion for acting; it is in my blood and runs in the family. My mum was once an actress with late Duro Ladiipo’s Theatre Group.

We understand that you are very close to your mum. Tell us more about her?

She’s the best mother in the whole world. She’s my best friend, my pillar and my support. She’s everything to me, and I must confess, she is nice to a fault. She encouraged me to join the industry and I’ve been follow­ing her advice ever since. I can boldly say her advice has kept me going in the industry.

You are such a beautiful lady, why are you still single?

I don’t want to talk about it please.

There is sex everywhere in the movie industry. What’s your view on pre-marital sex?

Sex is a normal thing between two adults and it’s biblical that we enjoy it with our loved ones before making ba­bies. Sex for me is a thing I enjoy doing with someone I love, and please note, not someone I like. And I love doing it because I know I’m very good at it. I’m not one to shy away from reality; I could be very candid. I believe in always expressing the way I feel by saying it the way it is in black and white.

Since it is something you are good at doing, could you talk more on it?

Yes, I can say I’m perfect when it comes to love making. But please, don’t forget what I said earlier which is that I only love doing it with someone I love. Sex is spiritual. As long as my partner wants it, I will always give it to him.

Which means that if your partner demands marathon sex on a daily basis you won’t hesitate to give it to him all the way?


How do you feel if you don’t have sex in a week?

Please, get this right; I’m not a sex ad­dict! Some­times I could go for months without having sex but when I want to have it I make sure I do it wholeheartedly.

Why do you love sex so much?

I love it because it makes me feel cool and relaxed. I could as well relax without having sex but sex cools the mind. What drives me crazy is the way my man handles me. Honestly, the way my man responds to sex blows my mind!

So, how do you know when you are in love?

I don’t fall in love easily but when I see myself do­ing crazy things for a man I know I’m in love.

You were romanti­cally linked to Oyo State governor, Abiola Ajimobi a while ago. Are you guys dating?

That’s not true. Its just speculation. He only show­ered encomiums on me after I was given an award by the Oyo State government for a job well done. Some journalists just used the avenue to start speculating and writing false reports.


Written by Admin

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